Amelia turned 5 months old June 19th! She has been rolling over from back to tummy all the time lately; I think she prefers to be on her tummy. She enjoys cooing and making what we like to call "dinosaur noises". She makes "raspberries" with her lips sometimes out of frustration. She sleeps through the night most of the time now and is pretty much settling in to a morning and afternoon nap but sometimes snoozes on the drive home from daycare. I enjoy watching her grasp at toys and of course everything goes in the mouth. Her other favorite thing to grab is my hair. Not quite as enjoyable for me or my head but she is definitely exploring her world so that is exciting.
Bouncing on Daddy's lap
Humoring Mommy and posing for a pretty picture
Kick, kick. I'm ready to go....
Amelia loves bath time. She loves the sound of water running and she kicks and splashes around in the baby tub. Isn't she cute and clean and cuddle-ready after her bath? :)
she's soooooo adorable!