Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Mia: First of all, I found my hands; I'm good.  Second, Hey Sis.  Look at you joining me up here.

Alison: Okay, stay over on your half of the chair.

Mia: Uuuu, ahhh,  I want to play with Moma's sunglasses too.

Alison:  Then bend these things like this....  Mia:  Well, I found my hands again; I'm good.

Mmwa!  Big kisses and slobbers!

Mia: Hey, Mom.

Mia: Where'd sis go?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Amelia is 4 months!

On Amelia's 4 month day, May 19th, we went to the zoo where Haldex was having a company picnic for employees and their families.  Amelia went fast to sleep for her nap in the baby carrier.

Alison is pretending to be a deer.  (She is very good at posing as a Moose too!)

Amelia wore a giraffe print outfit as well.  Surprise!  (Not really for anyone who knows me!)

I made a correction to the 2 week baby stats just in case you remembered what they were.  I skipped 2 month stats but here's a recap: 23 " long (75%), 10 pounds 4 oz (34%) 14 3/4 head (18%)

4 months: 24 " long (40%), 12 pounds 2 oz (17%) 15 3/4 head (23%)

She was strong for the shots and although showed her displeasure with the pain, seemed to bounce back nicely from the whole process.  The doctor says she's perfect!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's Amelia doing lately?

Amelia was baptized on Easter Sunday (which for some reason--I'm thinking we had our hands full most of the time :) we don't have any pictures of but I am sure I can eventully find some from my in laws).  Amelia had her baby dedication on Mother's Day in Leavenworth.  We shower her with hugs and kisses!

All of the kids kind of sitting still for a few seconds.  ;)

Levi did a great job holding Amelia (as Symphony did great holding Kosse who is trying to chew on her skirt if I remember least slobber anyway!) but Alison thought she should hold Amelia.

With Great-Grandma Dickson

Didn't get this picture turned right, but Alison finally gets to hold Amelia who has lost interest and patience in having her picture taken.

Happy Mommy with her babies

The kids all had fun playing in the church playground after lunch

Kosse's hanging out with Grandpa.  He is a happy baby boy!

After we returned to Gran and Grandpa's house, Daddy and Alison enjoy some time in the back yard and hammock

Alison is 2!

Alison turned two April 27th and we celebrated her birthday with a small gathering of friends and family at the park.  She seemed to enjoy herself and was definitely spoiled by great presents and cake!  Alison has been such a joy to watch grow!  She is very independent lately, "I do it, I do it!" she says.  Or "I hold it", "I get it", etc.  She went pee on the potty twice and pooped on the potty once!  Yes, I am very excited and it's kind of funny that I would be so excited about that but that's part of parenting I guess.  You learn that all kinds of things mean more when get to watch your child experience things for the first time.