On Amelia's 4 month day, May 19th, we went to the zoo where Haldex was having a company picnic for employees and their families. Amelia went fast to sleep for her nap in the baby carrier.
Alison is pretending to be a deer. (She is very good at posing as a Moose too!)
Amelia wore a giraffe print outfit as well. Surprise! (Not really for anyone who knows me!)
I made a correction to the 2 week baby stats just in case you remembered what they were. I skipped 2 month stats but here's a recap: 23 " long (75%), 10 pounds 4 oz (34%) 14 3/4 head (18%)
4 months: 24 " long (40%), 12 pounds 2 oz (17%) 15 3/4 head (23%)
She was strong for the shots and although showed her displeasure with the pain, seemed to bounce back nicely from the whole process. The doctor says she's perfect!
Amelia looks so grown up lately! It's going by too fast...