Friday, May 25, 2012

Amelia is 4 months!

On Amelia's 4 month day, May 19th, we went to the zoo where Haldex was having a company picnic for employees and their families.  Amelia went fast to sleep for her nap in the baby carrier.

Alison is pretending to be a deer.  (She is very good at posing as a Moose too!)

Amelia wore a giraffe print outfit as well.  Surprise!  (Not really for anyone who knows me!)

I made a correction to the 2 week baby stats just in case you remembered what they were.  I skipped 2 month stats but here's a recap: 23 " long (75%), 10 pounds 4 oz (34%) 14 3/4 head (18%)

4 months: 24 " long (40%), 12 pounds 2 oz (17%) 15 3/4 head (23%)

She was strong for the shots and although showed her displeasure with the pain, seemed to bounce back nicely from the whole process.  The doctor says she's perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Amelia looks so grown up lately! It's going by too fast...
