Sunday, August 16, 2009

Trip to Fayetteville--Sisters!

I enjoyed making a trip to Fayetteville and visiting my sister last weekend. I took the opportunity to purchase a bassinette for Kaleb.

And of course a little newborn onesie with a giraffe by the pocket. So cute!

Can anyone guess what this is? I wasn't sure at first, but it is in fact, an owl. This is the first present Corrine has ready for Kaleb.

We thought we would take a few pictures that would show the cute pregnant belly! Kaleb has been moving around quite a bit in his mom's belly!

Mellanee and Symphony and Xara came to meet us so I could see the new baby, Xara!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fun times in July

Flurry loves the duck that we bought her. She carries it around quite a bit and squeezes it to make quacking sounds like a duck and it also rustles like a duck in the leaves.

I think she wants to put the duck in the oven.

Flurry has shown her trouble-making side and even though we keep the doors in the hallway closed, the bathroom door wasn't quite latched once and she found her way in.... Only a matter of seconds that we didn't have our eyes on her and she decided that it would be fun to play with the toilet paper....

Bad dog. Don't eat it. Let go.

I think that Flurry might have succeeded in eating a little bit, but all is okay after the dust settled. We learned in our obedience classes that we can say give or trade and hold something in front of her that she wants more and she will drop what is in her mouth. Usually it is a treat or a water bottle that gets her attention.